A Few Simple Tips on Buying Nursery Supplies and Tools

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If you're a first-time gardener and have never purchased nursery supplies before, you'll want to take your time to shop around and invest in the best brands and in the tools that will work for you personally. High-quality gardening and nursery tools and supplies should last for many years, but buying cheap and low-quality tools just to save money will mean having to replace them sooner rather than later. Before you head to the home supply store, note a few simple tips that will help you find the right tools and nursery supplies for your new garden.

Look for wood and plastic handles

Tools that are made of solid metal will be very durable and last much longer than those made of thin and flimsy plastic. Metal may also do a better job of digging into the dirt and grabbing large and heavy leaves and twigs, such as when you're raking or pulling weeds. However, metal will also be very rough on the skin and the muscles when you're using those tools, so look for handles with a plastic or wood coating. This will help to prevent muscle fatigue and strain while you're gardening, and it will also cut down on calluses that might otherwise develop on your hands.

Note the weight

Heavier tools can cause fatigue and muscle strain, and this is true even for hand tools such as pruners, snips and hand trowels. If possible, pick up and hold a tool in your hand before buying it, and mimic the motion you would make when gardening; you obviously can't dig holes or snip flowers in a home improvement store, but go through these motions as much as you can. If a shovel seems overly heavy for your frame, or if a hand tool feels cumbersome to lift and use, opt for something lighter that is a better fit for you.

Invest in storage accessories

Along with buying the tools you need for your new garden, you also want to invest in proper storage accessories for them. Improper storage of tools can allow rust to form and cause damage to these pieces if they scrape against each other or suffer nicks along their plastic or wood sides. Hooks for the garage wall and shelving for small tools keeps them neat and accessible as well as properly protected, so stock up on the accessories you need for storage while you're out buying your new tools.
